Although each service in a microservices application works independently, these services are also interdependent for various other functionalities. ASP.NET Core is designed to integrate seamlessly with a variety of client-side frameworks, including AngularJS, KnockoutJS and Bootstrap. The web root of your app is the directory in your project for public, static resources like css, js, and image files. The static files middleware will only serve files from the web root directory (and sub-directories) by default. The web root path defaults to /, but you can specify a different location using the WebHostBuilder. The content root is the base path to any content used by the app, such as its views and web content.

  • The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.
  • The work of IIS is to provide the web application’s generated HTML code result to the client browser which initiates the request as shown in the below diagram.
  • In this Web Pages tutorial you will learn how to combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    and server code, using server code written in VB
    or C# .
  • Finally it has access to the full .NET framework which supports a wide number of helper classes.
  • Instead I’ll give a brief description of where they fit in, the problems they are intended to solve, and the niche they occupy.
  • During his career he has worked across the geographies – North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific.

It also supports test-driven development and gives you complete control over markup while being able to use the latest web standards. An updated version of the entity framework, EF Core is an object/relational mapping framework that is lightweight, open source, expandable and provides multi-platform support. Although primarily meant to be used with ASP.NET Core applications, developers can also use it with standard .NET 4.5+ applications. Several “server side languages” were developed (PHP, Perl, ASP…) which allowed the server to process the Web page before sending it back to the client. The fact that the process took place on the server stands for the name of “server side”. The compilation process also provides validation that all of the code is consistent.

Updating the IdentityServer template to use the Identity API endpoints

ASP.NET Core is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications, such as web apps, IoT apps and mobile backends. ASP.NET Core apps can run on .NET Core or on the full .NET Framework. It was architected to provide an optimized development framework for apps that are deployed to the cloud or run on-premises.

what is used for

Companies with more than 5 developers must purchase a license to use Visual Studio, but the cost is competitive with professional IDEs for other platforms. Microsoft also provides Visual Studio Code, a lighter-weight IDE and editor, which is free for everyone, including corporations. And sent back to the client side by calling a JavaScript function that loads the content back into the TX Text Control document editor. ASP.NET is built on the CLR(Common Language Runtime) which allows the programmers to execute its code using any .NET language(C#, VB etc.). ASP.NET is a web application framework designed and developed by Microsoft. ASP.NET is open source and a subset of the .NET Framework and successor of the classic ASP(Active Server Pages).

WP Tutorial

Not sure if ASP.NET compares to any C++ frameworks you may be familiar with. Web frameworks usually tend to be unique due to the statelessness of HTTP and the relatively low-tech technologies involved (HTML, scripting, etc). The two new properties added in the Page class are MetaKeyword and MetaDescription.

You generally “Use” middleware by taking a dependency on a NuGet package and invoking a corresponding UseXYZ extension method on the IApplicationBuilder in the Configure method. This topic introduces the new concepts in ASP.NET Core and explains how they help you develop modern web apps. Resharper is a tool that provides an absolute productivity boost in code quality analysis and helps to reduce time by identifying errors. Web Essentials is a tool, that opens up the inventory of CSS, Html, JavaScript, TypeScript.


The JSRuntime is used to create an object reference to the created JavaScript file. This object reference calls the JavaScript API of the TX Text Control. ASP.NET Core, an upgraded version of the ASP.NET web framework, is an open source and multi-platform framework primarily intended to be used on the .NET Core platform. You can develop cloud-oriented applications, including web and IoT apps, as well as mobile back-end apps with multi-OS support for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

So if you want to use bearer tokens with your SPA app, now you can. At W3Schools you will find complete ASP references about built-in objects and
components, and their properties and methods. The first preview release of ASP.NET came out almost 15 years ago as part of the .NET Framework. Since then millions of developers have used it to build and run great web apps, and over the years we have added and evolved many capabilities to it.


He is passionate about writing and regularly blogs and writes content for top websites. If you are planning to learn .NET, consider enrolling in Simplilearn’s .NET Programming course. This comprehensive bootcamp is designed to help you master the fundamentals of .NET programming and how what is used for to create .NET projects. In the .NET programming certification course, you will be introduced to .NET space and coding with C#, including Visual Studio and Winforms, which will help you excel in your career. Check out our ASP.Net MCV interview questions to prepare for the job interview.

what is used for

The ASP.NET Core hosting model does not directly listen for requests; rather it relies on an HTTP server implementation to forward the request to the application. The forwarded request is wrapped as a set of feature interfaces that the application then composes into an HttpContext. ASP.NET Core includes a managed cross-platform web server, called Kestrel, that you would typically run behind a production web server like IIS or nginx. What type of database to use is an important decision when developing a web application. ASP.NET applications can use all of the popular databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, MongoDB and CouchDB. While Microsoft SQL Server can require expensive software licenses for complex deployments, the free Express version is suitable for the vast majority of websites.

Third-party frameworks

As a longstanding framework, .NET Core has served large organizations for years. Its active development means that it is not likely to see a decline anytime soon. There are different types of libraries with all the components to help developers and create applications. Also, to create web applications ASP.NET provide the 3 development styles which are ASP.NET Web Pages, ASP.NET MVC, Web Forms.

what is used for

This method is parametrized as JSInvokable and can be called from JavaScript. This calls the SaveDocument() method of the TextControl.Razor component. This calls the InsertTable() method of the TextControl.Razor component. My new book ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is available now! It supports .NET 7.0, and is available as an eBook or paperback.

Components of ASP.NET

All of the other databases mentioned here are free and open source. This allows developers to select any IDE of their choice to create microservices applications. With EF Core, developers need to choose between two development approaches — code-first or database-first. While code-first is the default mode for EF Core, there is also support for the database-first approach. Developers can use the .NET framework to build Windows applications for desktop or server. However, through .NET Core, they can develop cross-platform server applications but not UI-based desktop applications.